Experts Beyond Bars

At StandOut we’re committed to making sure that everything we do is grounded in the experiences of people leaving prison. One of the ways we do this is through our Experts Beyond Bars (EBB) group.  

Named by themselves, the Experts Beyond Bars are StandOut participants who meet regularly to discuss topical social justice issues, contribute to policy debate and play a key role in shaping the strategy and direction of our work, ensuring that it remains rooted in the reality of life after prison. EBB have helped shape StandOut’s Career Hubs and provided essential feedback on StandOut’s new safe working practices so that a vital process often described as “risk management”  is also reflective of the needs of the people we work with.

Our Experts Beyond Bars are also brilliant advocates for change - using their collective voice to influence policy and practice. In 2022 the EBB worked with the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) to share feedback on a new project being developed for prison leavers. They are also collaborating with the Ministry of Justice’s Lived Experience Lead whose role is to make sure that the voices and needs of people with lived experience are heard across the criminal justice system and more recently have worked with the Prison Reform Trust’s Prisoner Policy Network on their latest consultation; ‘How does my ethnicity or race affect my experience of prison?’

The EBB is excited to collaborate with the MoJ on a more regular basis, to develop their confidence and skills in influencing policy, and to bring about real change for future prison leavers.

"The Experts Beyond Bars have so much to give and have already begun to influence spaces and thinking across the Ministry of Justice and will hopefully continue to use their insight and knowledge to influence more to come."

National Lived Experience Lead, Ministry of Justice

"Thank you for giving us a space to communicate with you all. It's genuinely appreciated that our experiences, voices and opinions are heard, matter, and may hopefully positively impact the lives of others - who have not yet experienced the light that StandOut helps to shine in (for many) a very dark time."

StandOut Experts Beyond Bars Member

Want to learn more about our Experts? Contact